Cooler Bag
Insulated, fully zippered tote bag to keep meals cold upon delivery. We will pack your meals in these bags to keep them cold all throughout delivery, and if they sit at your door for any length of time if you are not home to receive.
These new bags have a fully zippered flap top for maximum storage capability, as well as a front pocket for your invoice. They can fit 18-30 meals depending on container size, and if the meals are lidded/vacuum sealed!
*best option is to purchase 2 tote bags, so that we can rotate them out for you with each week’s delivery*
- week #1: we deliver meals in tote #1.
- week #2: we deliver meals in tote 2, you leave tote #1 at door for us to retrieve.
- week #3: we deliver meals in tote #1, and retrieve tote #2.
- and so on… 🙂
(also great for keeping groceries cold, or hot foods/takeout hot!)
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